FastTrack for Recruiters

My Job

… is to get appropriate info to you so that you can get me into direct competition for an opportunity. If I succeed in winning that opportunity on the basis of my abilities, then both of us make money.

My responsibility does not include filling out a form with information that is already available to you.

Your Job

… is to handle the client relationship, which includes the logistics of presentation, as well as keeping me informed of the status of the opportunity as it moves forward – voluntarily, proactively and clearly. I am not interested in doing that job for you.

If you can get out there and actively market my professional skills, so much the better.


If you won’t tell me who the client is, don’t expect to have my attention. We know what my rate is. We also should be clear on what your markup is.

Transparency is good business.

Clarify It

I get a gazillion generic messages about jobs that all sound pretty much the same (and often are the same job) from recruiters every day. It’s an organizational nightmare.

So, put this helpful info into the Subject Line of your emails:

  • Client Name (important!)
  • Job Req #
  • Location

Now I can actually keep track of our ongoing discussion. And so can you.

Confirm It

When I agree to let you represent me, send me a confirmation email that has this info in the body:

  • Client Name
  • Job Req #
  • Location
  • Rate
  • Start Date / Duration

Now I can protect our relationship especially when someone else approaches me about the same job. (If I don’t get the confirmation email, chances are I’ll be talking with your competitors.)

Follow Through

You’re handling the client relationship. Only you know if the circumstances of the job opportunity have changed.

Drop me a Status Update every week, even (especially) if nothing is happening at the moment. It’s not my job to chase you. If I have to check your pulse, I consider you dead.

I’m sure that you want me to be responsive and proactively helpful when you approach me about opportunities that might make you money. I’d appreciate the same consideration from you.

This how we can work together



© The Communication Studio LLC